Page 129 - Memoir
P. 129
These directions and advice you have given us have helped us in providing our
corporate management and corporate secretarial services to our Group and to
our third-party clients.
These directions and advice you have given us have helped us in providing our corporate management and
It is in this context that we consider you to have already contributed to the
corporate secretarial services to our Group and to our third-party clients. It is in this context that we
development of our Group’s business. We value your continuing advice
consider you to have already contributed to the development of our Group’s business. We value your and
continuing advice and services which we, in turn, are able to carry on in serving our Group and our
services which we, in turn, are able to carry on in serving our Group and our
You are welcome to ask us anytime for accounting and financial services
You are welcome to ask us anytime for accounting and financial services KT
SA Yes indeed, you will recall, when we had issues we needed to address for our
Yes indeed, in fact, you will recall, when we had issues we needed to address for our clients, I would call you for some
guidance, and you were kind enough to give us advice not only on accounting and taxation matters but also on matters
clients, I would call you for some guidance, and you were kind enough to give us
related to corporate management and secretarial services. That is where we believe your Firm has additionally helped us
with our ongoing business.
advice not only on accounting and taxation matters but also on matters related
to corporate management and secretarial services. That is where we believe your
Firm has additionally helped us with our ongoing business.
What is your opinion and advice to us on developing our professional business?
What is your opinion and advice to us on developing our professional business? KT
I don’t think I am in a position to make any recommendation on this matter. I
I don’t think I am in a position to make any recommendation on this matter. I
am sure that you and your Firm are professionally strong enough to make, as
am sure that you and your Firm are professionally strong enough to make, as
you are now doing, an imprint of your services in the taxation and auditing
you are now doing, an imprint of your services in the taxation and auditing
industry in Hong Kong and internationally.
industry in Hong Kong and internationally.
I think your continuing provision of efficient services does well for your reputation. As your team and staff
I think your continuing provision of efficient services does well for your
hone their skills and obtain more professional qualifications, they and your Firm can then provide more
reputation. As your team and staff hone their skills and obtain more professional
improved and valuable services to your clients. These, I believe, should be an incentive to your clients to
make them remain with you, and would even encourage them to recommend CKY’s services to other
qualifications, they and your Firm can then provide more improved and valuable
parties and businesses. Your firm from time to time issues circulars and advice on current taxation issues. If
services to your clients. These, I believe, should be an incentive to your clients
you continue with that, it will surely contribute to your valuable services in the Hong Kong business
to make them remain with you, and would even encourage them to recommend
CKY’s services to other parties and businesses. Your firm from time to time
issues circulars and advice on current taxation issues. If you continue with that,
it will surely contribute to your valuable services in the Hong Kong business
Thank you for your advice. What do you think are the opportunities and
Thank you for your advice. What do you think are the opportunities and KT
difficulties of the accounting profession in the coming 10 years?
difficulties of the accounting profession in the coming ten years?
SA That's too long for me to predict as by that time I would have retired already.
邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary 125