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              23 June 2021                                               Office at the Inter Astrea Group

                                 Interview with Inter Astrea Group (Extract)

              Interviewee    : Mr Salazar (SA)

              Interviewer   : Mr K T Tam (KT)

                 “We are happy and grateful that over these past years, all of you including Mr
                 Lam, Mr Yau and yourself have been very professional and efficient in

                 addressing many of our Group’s audit and taxation issues. You all have been
                  giving us timely, reliable, and effective services. There is nothing more that we
                 can ask for as your services have been excellent, dependable, and

                 commendable.” said Mr Salazar. Mr Salazar is the General Manager of a group
                 of companies that were the major clients of W H Lam & Company which CKY
                 merged with years ago. He is also a lawyer who deals with company secretarial
                  works of the Inter Astrea Group. We are so glad to have Mr Salazar for an
                 interview with our Mr K T Tam to talk about the past cooperation and future

                       We are deeply honored and privileged to have been invited by you to share our
                 SA    We are deeply honoured and privileged to be invited by you to share our views
                       views on your predecessor Firm (W H Lam & Co) and on your successor Firm
                      on your predecessor Firm (W H Lam & Company) and on your successor Firm

                       Our company, Inter Astrea (HK) Limited, was incorporated on 24th December,
                      Our Company, Inter Astrea (HK) Limited, was incorporated on 24th December,
                       1970, by Mr W H Lam of Ho, Lam & Co. Since then, Mr W H Lam, and later with
                      1970, by Mr W H Lam of Ho, Lam & Company.Since then, Mr W H Lam, and later
                       his new Firm, W H Lam & Co., and until its merger with your CKY about fifteen
                      with his new Firm, W H Lam & Company and until its merger with your CKY about
                       years ago, was our Company’s and our Group’s Auditors and Tax Advisers.
                      fifteen years ago, was our Company’s and our Group’s Auditors and Tax Advisers.

                       I first came to know Mr W H Lam sometime in 1982 when I joined one of the
                      I first came to know Mr W H Lam sometime in 1982 when I joined one of the
                       companies of the Soeryadjaya Family in Hong Kong. Inter Astrea is one of the
                      companies of the Soeryadjaya Family in Hong Kong. Inter Astrea is one of the
                       companies owned by the family of Mr William Soeryadjaya of the then PT Astra
                      companies owned by the family of Mr William Soeryadjaya of the then PT Astra
                       International in Indonesia. I then came to personally work closely with Mr W H
                      International in Indonesia. I then came to personally work closely with Mr W H
                       Lam and his colleagues later around 1990 when I was transferred to Inter Astrea
                      Lam and his colleagues later around 1990 when I was transferred to Inter Astrea
                       as its Deputy General Manager and Corporate Counsel.
                      as its Deputy General Manager and Corporate Counsel.

                       What are your comments on our services under Mr Lam before and now under
                      What do you think our firm can help for the development of your company and   KT
                       CKY, what is your impression of our management?
                      in what sense?

                 SA    As  you  know,  our  company  now  is  more  concentrated  on  the  provision  of
                       corporate management for our clientele. In doing your audit of our accounts,
                       you  and  your  staff  have  from  time  to  time  guided  us  in  the  proper  way  of
                       recording and classifying certain accounting transactions for financial reporting.

               124       邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary
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