Page 71 - Memoir
P. 71
I reached the pinnacle of my accounting career. I started to ponder what
was important to me, thus I advanced my studies and achieved additional
two Master Degrees and one Doctorate Degree in Psychology.
My work as a professional covers two main scopes. One is my origin-
accounting, business administration and management, while the other one is
completely different. As a psychologist, I offer professional help to manage
clients’ personal life, to learn to respect one another, and ultimately assist
them to overcome the challenges. These two fields of study cannot be
comparable, yet I regard the latter as more meaningful.
One point I would like to add. You are a devout Catholic and we previously
worked together in the Finance Committee of Caritas Hong Kong on a pro
bono basis. I later left the committee while you remain in the post. To some
extent, you have not completely withdrawn from the accounting field.
WT Indeed. I have become a member of that Finance Committee one year earlier
than you, which lasted for quite some years already. I am now also a member
of the Audit Committee of Caritas Hong Kong.
The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong cares for its devotees and does not easily
re-appoint and replace long-time committee members. An established
committee may bring less innovative ideas, however our in-depth knowledge
and experience in this NGO is considered the upside.
I am glad to hear you are still applying your skills as an accountant after a JY
change of career.
WT I always have a fondness for accounting. In the past years, my motivation and
eagerness to search for personal values and meanings in life had surpassed
my career preference, thus I moved on from accounting to the psychology
I faced numerous challenges and hardships in my thirty-year work experience
in the commercial field, and had a profound understanding of the mindset of
businessmen. It is an advantage that I can apply my experience in my new
profession and work with individuals as well as institutional clients.
邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary 67