Page 70 - Memoir
P. 70
28 May 2020 Office at C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited
Interview with Dr William M C Tong (Extract)
(English Translation)
Interviewee : Dr William M C Tong (WT)
Interviewer : Mr Joseph Y K Yau (JY)
“From a social perspective, given that the accounting and auditing sector have
been playing such an important role in the commercial world, I do think the
public should show commendations to these sectors for their contributions and
allow them room to survive...” said Dr William M C Tong. Dr Tong is currently
practising his new career as a clinical psychologist, and continues to provide
professional advice to non -profit organisations on a pro bono basis based on his
past profession as a Certified Public Accountant. With his unique profile, Dr
Tong was invited to discuss his personal experience in the commercial field with
Mr Joseph Y K Yau, and also shared his opinion, from the perspective of a
business insider and a trans-disciplinary, on the potential developments and
foreseeable challenges for these two sectors.
Do you still remember the times we partnered and worked together in the year JY
WT Of course! The air conditioner in my office space on 12/F was freezing
(laughter). During the time I was contemplating my career development,
realising that operating my accounting practice under sole proprietorship
might not be ideal. I mentioned to you regarding the possibility of
partnership, and we agreed to proceed in light of our similar vision and belief.
However in later years, you found the accounting industry with limited growth JY
potential, thus you decided to change your career trajectory and became a
Doctorate. I shall refer you as Dr Tong.
WT (Laughter) That is too formal between friends! You are correct, I found the
accounting industry has changed rapidly and drastically since I joined the field.
As previously mentioned, I have been consistently seeking progress in my
career. During those years I was ambitious and motivated to obtain the
Master of Business Administration after acquiring the Hong Kong and UK
accounting qualifications. Subsequently I became a General Manager of a
company managing three thousand employees in a factory located in the
Southern part of Guangdong Province, and later on became a Chief Financial
Officer of another company.
66 邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary