Page 157 - Memoir
P. 157
19 August 2021 Office at Yue Loong Ho Limited
Interview with Yue Loong Ho Limited (Extract)
(English Translation)
Interviewees : Mr Raymond Ng (RN), Ms Mimi Ng (MN)
Interviewers : Mr Joseph Y K Yau (JY), Ms Janice Leung (JL)
“I returned to the Mainland to develop the business back in 1991, so there were
less opportunities to interact with you at that time. I remember my late father
had pretty great comments about CKY, as we received substantive assistance
and ample support from your side in several critical occasions...” said Mr
Raymond Ng. As a traditional dried seafood trading company which insists to
observe the ritual of preparing a grand festival banquet in store on the second
day of the Chinese New Year implying a good start for a new year, how do they
sustain their core business while diversifying to new business ventures in view of
this fast changing era. We invited Mr Raymond Ng and Ms Mimi Ng, both
Directors of Yue Loong Ho Limited, to discuss with our Mr Joseph Y K Yau and Ms
Janice Leung about the past developments and future prospects of the two
companies, in which both will celebrate their sixtieth next year.
I am very glad to invite the second-generation successors of Yue Loong Ho
I am very glad to invite the second-generation successors of Yue Loong Ho JL
Limited (“YLH”) for an interview today. Based on our information, YLH was
Limited (“YLH”) for an interview today. Based on our information, YLH was
founded by the late Mr Ng Chu who often referred to as Uncle Chu in the
founded by the late Mr Ng Chu who often referred to as Uncle Chu in the
1960s. Is this correct?
1960s. Is this correct?
Yes, it will be our Company’s 60th anniversary next year.
MN Yes, it will be our Company’s 60th anniversary next year.
Really? CKY and YLH should be established in almost the same year then,
Really? CKY and YLH should be established in almost the same year then, as JY
as it is also our firm’s 60th anniversary.
it is also our firm’s 60th anniversary.
What a coincidence! Our business operation started in a humble street
RN What a coincidence! Our business operation started in a humble street stall.
MN That stall was set up in the street next to our existing store. Raymond was
That stall was set up in the street next to our existing store. Raymond was
already born at that time.
already born at that time.
Your Company was officially established in 1963 then. JL
Your Company was officially established in 1963 then.
MN You are right. The public information as mentioned in our social media may
be inaccurate as we did not include the days when we operated in the small
street stall.
邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary 153