Page 144 - Memoir
P. 144
For our factory in Indonesia, there are few candidates that are well equipped
For our factory in Indonesia, there are few candidates that are well equipped
and suitable for the job recruitments, and the Company is required to deploy
and suitable for the job recruitments, and the Company is required to deploy
our employees from Hong Kong to coach the new local hires
our employees from Hong Kong to coach the new local hires.
The challenge of training talents takes place not only in Mainland China but
The challenge of training talents takes place not only in Mainland China but
also worldwide, and one reason is that the young generation nowadays lacks
also worldwide, and one reason is that the young generation nowadays lacks
patience and resilience in their career.
patience and resilience in their career.
We have built up one of our corporate cultures, that every employee should
We have built up one of our corporate cultures, that every employee should
stay proud and gratified at their hard work for producing great products and
stay proud and gratified at their hard work for producing great products and
receiving comments from customers. It is very essential for each person
receiving comments from customers. It is very essential for each person to to
enjoy his or her work, as it takes eight to ten hours of the time every day to
enjoy his or her work, as it takes eight to ten hours of the time every day to
fulfil their tasks. Having a sense of pride with their hard work can help our
fulfil their tasks. Having a sense of pride with their hard work can help our
employees elevate their enjoyment and pleasure in work.
employees elevate their enjoyment and pleasure in work.
What are the tactics to make employees proud of their work outcome? KT
What are the tactics to make employees proud of their work outcome?
First of all, you need to recruit a team who work alongside you with passion
ES First of all, you need to recruit a team who work alongside you with passion
and enthusiasm. In order to increase the employees’ morale, we showcase
and enthusiasm. In order to increase the employees’ morale, we showcase
our clients’ advertisements during special occasions like annual dinners to
our clients’ advertisements during special occasions like annual dinners to let
let our colleagues know and feel recognised and proud of our quality
our colleagues know and feel recognised and proud of our quality products.
products. In addition, we will have a firmwide celebration when the
In addition, we will have a firmwide celebration when the Company reaches a
Company reaches a certain milestone so our colleagues could enjoy being
certain milestone so our colleagues could enjoy being part of us. Seeking
part of us. Seeking improvements when being criticised, establishing a
improvements when being criticised, establishing a unique culture within your
unique culture within your company, and the whole company would
Company, and the whole company would eventually progress with your team
eventually progress with your team of employees.
of employees.
I was honored to be invited to your Company's 50th anniversary reception.
I was honoured to be invited to your Company's 50th anniversary reception. KT
The setup and details were very exceptional and well handled with care, in
The setup and details were very exceptional and well handled with care, in
particular the two videos for showing.
particular the two videos for showing.
It is important to show praise and gratitude to our employees as it is part of
BK It is important to show praise and gratitude to our employees as it is part of
our humanity. Their sense of belonging to the Company will be enhanced
our humanity. Their sense of belonging to the Company will be enhanced when
they feel appreciated.
when they feel appreciated.
This year is our the 60th anniversary. Would you like to say a few words in
This year is our 60th anniversary. Would you like to say a few words in this KT
regard? this regard?
140 邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary