Page 142 - Memoir
P. 142
On the other hand, would you like to share how and what kind of role
On the other hand, would you like to share how and what kind of role an an
accounting firm holds, to contribute to the future growth and development
accounting firm holds, to contribute to the future growth and development of
of your group companies, including the property company that we are
your group companies, including the property company that we are currently
currently serving?
The auditing sector has been monopolised by the Big Four accounting firms
BK The auditing sector has been monopolised by the Big Four accounting firms
with large market share being taken, which limits the growth of small and
with large market share being taken, which limits the growth of small and
medium-sized firms in this scope of business. It is also a commonplace that
medium-sized firms in this scope of business. It is also a commonplace that
large corporations in the Mainland reach out to sizable auditing firms for
large corporations in the Mainland reach out to sizable auditing firms for
professional services. Therefore, SME firms should seek alternate
professional services. Therefore, SME firms should seek alternate
opportunities to expand their businesses, such as business consultancy and
opportunities to expand their businesses, such as business consultancy and
human resources advisory services.
human resources advisory services.
In fact, CKY has been diversifying with our professional services including
In fact, CKY has been diversifying with our professional services including KT
human resource and consultancy work. There were cases that foreign
human resource and consultancy work. There were cases that foreign
companies appointed us to handle the internal payroll and MPF.
companies appointed us to handle the internal payroll and MPF.
In early this year, our Joseph Yau, as one of the forty-odd Chartered Tax
In early this year, our Joseph Yau, as one of the forty-odd Chartered Tax
Advisors in Hong Kong, is eligible to register as a practising tax agent in the
Advisors in Hong Kong, is eligible to register as a practising tax agent in the
Qianhai Shekou Area of Shenzhen under the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free
Qianhai Shekou Area of Shenzhen under the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free
Trade Zone of the Greater Bay Area. We definitely look forward to developing
Trade Zone of the Greater Bay Area. We definitely look forward to developing
CKY’s business in the Greater Bay Area in the near future.
CKY’s business in the Greater Bay Area in the near future.
Meanwhile, both of our companies have a relatively long history in Hong
Meanwhile, both of our companies have a relatively long history in Hong Kong-
Kong-CKY is in its 60th anniversary, while it was your Group's 50th
CKY is in its 60th anniversary, while it was your Group's 50th anniversary two
years ago.
anniversary two years ago.
As a hot topic in recent years, what are your thoughts on corporate
As a hot topic in recent years, what are your thoughts on corporate succession?
succession? What are the concerns that corporations should pay close
What are the concerns that corporations should pay close attention to? What
is considered as a successful business succession?
attention to? What is considered as a successful business succession?
Corporate inheritance and succession could be a challenging issue, and also
ES Corporate inheritance and succession could be a challenging issue, and also
closely relate to the type and background of the businesses involved. Some
closely relate to the type and background of the businesses involved. Some
corporate succession is proven difficult as businesses continue to disappear
corporate succession is proven difficult as businesses continue to disappear
due to drastic change in the society in the new era, while some family
due to drastic change in the society in the new era, while some family
companies change the course of their main business. Thus there is no specific
companies change the course of their main business. Thus there is no specific
formula or method for handling a corporate succession.
formula or method for handling a corporate succession.
I am relatively optimistic with the accounting industry, yet the current
I am relatively optimistic with the accounting industry, yet the current
generation shows less interest in this profession and it may not be easy
generation shows less interest in this profession and it may not be easy to to
achieve corporate succession as well.
achieve corporate succession as well.
138 邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary