Page 149 - Memoir
P. 149
8 July 2021 Office at Taiwan Far Eastern Group Hong Kong Subsidiary Companies
Interview with Taiwan Far Eastern Group
Hong Kong Subsidiary Companies (Extract)
(English Translation)
Interviewees : Ms Julie Wu (JW), Ms Carmen Ma (CM)
Interviewers : Mr Joseph Y K Yau (JY), Ms Janice Leung (JL)
“Our relationship with auditors is in fact very crucial. Both parties should not
stand in opposition, instead we should share mutual benefits and must
cooperate with each other. We understand CKY, as a professional firm, is mainly
responsible to comply with respective rules and regulations. Yet we as your
client also require your priority and effort to assist and solve the Company’s
issues together. This is one of the reasons that we turned to CKY for
collaboration, as we both parties trust one another...” said Ms Julie Wu. In what
extent should a relationship be developed and maintained between a
corporation and its external auditor? We were honoured to invite Ms Julie Wu
and Ms Carmen Ma, the financial managers of the Hong Kong subsidiary
companies of Far Eastern Group in Taiwan to be in this interview. They discussed
with Joseph Y K Yau and Janice Leung regarding the partnership between a
company and the auditor, as well as the development of the accounting
industry in this advanced digital age.
I am very glad to have both of you today for this interview. We have been
I am very glad to have both of you today for this interview. We have been JY
collaborating with each other since 1975, and further expanded our scope
collaborating with each other since 1975, and further expanded our scope
of cooperation in 1999. Would you like to share more in this regard?
of cooperation in 1999. Would you like to share more in this regard?
Definitely! I remember contacting Janice in the first place.
JW Definitely! I remember contacting Janice in the first place.
We started communicating with each other in 1992 and we strengthened JL
We started communicating with each other in 1992 and we strengthened
our cooperation in 1999. In other words, it has been 21 years since our
our cooperation in 1999. In other words, it has been twenty one years since
our partnership.
Both of you are our contact point of the Companies. I recalled meeting with
Both of you are our contact point of the Companies. I recalled meeting with JY
the President of Far Eastern Group only once since our collaboration. I
the President of Far Eastern Group only once since our collaboration. I
welcomed him in person in our previous office premise in 17/F of Cantake
welcomed him in person in our previous office premise in 17/F of Cantake
House in Wanchai.
House in Wanchai.
I cannot recall such a long time ago. I guess it was another male colleague
CM I cannot recall such a long time ago. I guess it was another male colleague of
of mine who accompanied our President to your meeting.
mine who accompanied our President to your meeting.
邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary 145