Page 88 - Memoir
P. 88
Some organisations try to have the largest firms. They go after big firms thinking that size
CC Some organisations try to have the largest firms. They go after big firms
is the only thing that matters. Size is an important factor when assessing accounting firms,
thinking that size is the only thing that matters. Size is an important factor
or any professional service firm, because you want resources to make sure the firm is stable.
when assessing accounting firms, or any professional service firm, because
But size is not the only thing we consider. One thing we also look at is the overall fit of a
you want resources to make sure the firm is stable. But size is not the only
firm within our organisation. Richard mentioned the hospitality of member firms when they
hold conferences, so we are looking for firms with welcoming cultures, which are not simply
thing we consider. One thing we also look at is the overall fit of a firm within
wanting to be the largest firm in their jurisdiction or ones that boast about their reputation,
our organisation. Richard mentioned the hospitality of member firms when
but a firm that other firms highly recommend, who wants to collaborate and help others
they hold conferences, so we are looking for firms with welcoming cultures,
which are not simply wanting to be the largest firm in their jurisdiction or
ones that boast about their reputation, but a firm that other firms highly
recommend, who wants to collaborate and help others succeed.
We take a holistic approach when we look at a prospective member firm:
We take a holistic approach when we look at a prospective member firm: we
we try to understand their qualities, standards, the credentials of their
try to understand their qualities, standards, the credentials of their team and
team and partners, their client base, etc., but we also take a close look at
partners, their client base, etc., but we also take a close look at what the
what the leadership and the culture of the firm are like, as that determines
leadership and the culture of the firm are like, as that determines whether
whether they will be proactive as a member of our community.
they will be proactive as a member of our community.
We need the right mindset for our community as a whole to achieve the
RA We need the right mindset for our community as a whole to achieve the best
best cooperation. At our conferences and meetings, making those deep
cooperation. At our conferences and meetings, making those deep personal
personal connections with other professionals is critical for receiving
connections with other professionals is critical for receiving referrals and
referrals and becoming a trusted advisor to their clients in the same way
becoming a trusted advisor to their clients in the same way that you want
that you want other members to become trusted advisors to your clients.
other members to become trusted advisors to your clients.
I suppose that is one of the reasons why TIAG is better than other
I suppose that is one of the reasons why TIAG is better than other KT
international accounting alliances.
international accounting alliances.
The real differentiating factor is that TIAG is the accounting division of TAG Alliances, the
RA The real differentiating factor is that TIAG is the accounting division of TAG
3 largest multidisciplinary alliance in the world. Our multidisciplinary platform of
Alliances, the 3rd largest multidisciplinary alliance in the world. Our
accounting firms, law firms, and strategic partners differentiates us. It makes us a unique
multidisciplinary platform of accounting firms, law firms, and strategic
organization among most traditional accounting alliances and networks, which are
focused primarily on accounting practices and the professional development of
partners differentiates us. It makes us a unique organisation among most
accountants. While professional development is still a part of what we do, creating
traditional accounting alliances and networks, which are focused primarily
connections and synergies between our multidisciplinary professional services providers,
on accounting practices and the professional development of accountants.
and focusing on business development and collaborative opportunities, provides our
members with a distinct and powerful competitive advantage. do, creating
While professional development is still a part of what we
connections and synergies between our multidisciplinary professional
services providers, and focusing on business development and collaborative
opportunities, provides our members with a distinct and powerful
competitive advantage.
Additionally, we are an independent organisation. We do not require
members to take on a name or a particular brand, which could lead to
conflicts in the future or issues of liability operating under a common name.
84 邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary