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P. 87
14 April 2021 Zoom Interview
Interview with The International Accounting Group (Extract)
Interviewees : Mr Richard Attisha (RA), Mr Chris Cervelleva (CC)
Interviewer : Mr K T Tam (KT)
“Rather than simply local firms, we want firms that seek international
opportunities for referral clientele like ours.” said Mr Richard Attisha. The
International Accounting Group (TIAG) is one of the divisions of TAG Alliances.
In this Zoom Interview, with our Mr K T Tam in Hong Kong, Mr Richard Attisha,
the President and the CEO of TAG Alliances, who is based in the head office in
Vancouver, Canada, joined by Mr Chris Cervelleva, the Executive Director, who
is based in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA in sharing their experiences with our
We, CKY, have joined your Alliances for more than ten years. What is your KT
impression of us?
I know you have been with us for almost 15 years, a loyal, long-standing
RA I know you have been with us for almost fifteen years, a loyal, long-standing
member of the organization. CKY has been a prominent member of TIAG
member of the organisation. CKY has been a prominent member of TIAG in
in one of the world's most important financial and economic markets —
one of the world's most important financial and economic markets — Hong
Hong Kong. The team at CKY, led by Mr Joseph Yau, Ms Janice Leung, and
Kong. The team at CKY, led by Mr Joseph Yau, Ms Janice Leung, and Mr K T
Mr K T Tam has always been professional and responsive to fellow TAG
Tam has always been professional and responsive to fellow TAG Alliances
Alliances members.
Above all else, we know that the quality of your work and the services that
Above all else, we know that the quality of your work and the services that
CKY provides to our members and their clients has always been at the
CKY provides to our members and their clients has always been at the
highest level. We also know that CKY has been proactive in referring its
highest level. We also know that CKY has been proactive in referring its
clients and contacts to other member firms worldwide, another essential
clients and contacts to other member firms worldwide, another essential
quality of a TIAG member firm.
quality of a TIAG member firm.
In October 2014, your team at CKY, together with our TAGLaw member in
In October 2014, your team at CKY, together with our TAGLaw member in
Hong Kong, Vivien Chan & Co. served as wonderful hosts for our 31st
Hong Kong, Vivien Chan & Co., served as wonderful hosts for our 31
International Conference in Hong Kong. Our members have fond memories
International Conference in Hong Kong. Our members have fond memories
of the marvelous city of Hong Kong and the hospitality and collegiality of
of the marvellous city of Hong Kong and the hospitality and collegiality of
In fact, that was my first time joining your international conference. By the
In fact, that was my first time joining your international conference. By the KT
way, what are the criteria to join TIAG?
way, what are the criteria to join TIAG?
邱在光合伙會計師行有限公司六十週年 C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited 60th Anniversary 83