Our Professionalism with Your Growth

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Key Executive

Mr. Joseph Yau (joseph.yau@ckyaucpa.com)

Mr. Joseph Yau is the senior practising director for C K Yau & Partners CPA Limited. He specializes in providing consultancy services for cases such as shareholders' disputes, mergers and acquisitions, pre-IPO arrangements, effective tax planning, etc., with his over 40 years' public practice experience. Joseph also serves as a director and/or advisor for various professional bodies.


Professional Status

BComm Bachelor of Commerce from The University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C. Canada
FCPA (Canada), CA, FCMA Fellow of Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
FCPA (Practising) Fellow of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Practising)
FCG (Canada) Fellow of The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada
FTIHK Fellow of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
CTA Chartered Tax Advisor of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
MSCA Member of The Society of The Chinese Accountants and Auditors
FHKSI Fellow of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
HonAAT Honorary Member of Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians
FAIA Fellow of The Association of International Accountants (UK)
FHKRFP Fellow of The Society of Registered Financial Planners
MIHRM(HK) Professional Member of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management

Community Services

Advisor and Past President of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Past President of The Society of The Chinese Accountants and Auditors
Past President of the Association of International Accountants, Hong Kong Branch
Founder Member and Past President of The Society of Certified Management Accountants of B.C. Canada, Hong Kong Branch
Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians
Registered School Manager of The Hong Kong School of Commerce


Co-Author of Frank Wood's Business Accounting (HK Revised Edition Volume I & II) - FTMgt